October 7-10 | Oregon Convention Center | Portland, Oregon

Host utilities for 2024

2024 Power Producers and Project Developers 

Clean Currents 2024

Power Producers – Alpha Sort

Company Name

Alabama Power Company


American Municipal Power, Inc.


Bluearth Asset Management

Brookfield Renewable

Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District

Chelan County PUD

Current Hydro LLC

Denver Water

Douglas County PUD

Duke Energy

Eagle Creek Renewable Energy

East Texas Electric Cooperative

Energen Hydro

Energy Keepers, Inc.

EthosEnergy on behalf of East Texas Electric Cooperative (ETEC)

Georgia Power Company

Grand River Dam Authority

Grant County PUD

Hull Street Energy

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc

Lewis County PUD

LS Power

Lucky Peak Power Plant

Mark ham Resources Corporation

Minnesota Power

Natel Energy

Nelson Energy

NorthWestern Energy

Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Seattle City Light

Southeast Alaska Power Agency

Southern California Edison

Southern Company

Tacoma Power

Tennessee Valley Authority

Wisconsin Public Service

Yuba County Water Agency

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