The National Hydropower Association – owner and organizer of Clean Currents –is now accepting proposals for the conference program.
Submission Deadline is March 1
To get started, click on the – Select – drop down menu below.
Have Questions?
Watch below our Best Practices for Submitting a Proposal Training Session
The Content Development Committee is looking for any topic that is relevant to your work; however, we are specifically looking for submissions on the following topics:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications
- Asset Management
- Automation
- Batteries and Their Use with Hydro
- Climate Change/Effects of Weather Extremes
- Dam Safety
- Data Management and Digitalization
- Development of New Projects
- Environmental Protection/Preservation/Enhancement
- Innovation
- Licensing/Regulatory
- Management of Hydro Projects
- Marine Energy (Wave, Tidal, Ocean Current, or Riverine Hydrokinetic)
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Operations, including Flexibility
- Plant Maintenance
- Public Safety
- Pumped Storage
- Rehabilitation/Modernization
- Renewables – Pairing Hydropower with Solar or Wind
- Security – both Cyber and Physical
- Small Hydro
- Supply Chain/Procurement/Contracting
- Water Resource Forecasting and Production Planning
- Wholesale Electricity Markets
- Workforce (including Recruitment, Training, Retention, Succession Planning, DEI)
The mission of NHA and the Clean Currents Content Development Committee is to create an overall conference program that is:
- of high quality
- delivered in innovative, interesting, and useful ways
- provides added value to event attendees in meeting their educational needs
Proposals that aid in accomplishing this mission will be given high consideration. To that end, preference will be given to submittals that include:
- Case Studies – specific examples of real-life experience, especially about operational and/or technical work
- Lessons Learned that others could adapt
- Service and Product Suppliers that are Co-Presenting with Power Producers
More Details about the Learning Formats

1. Classroom Presentations
For these presentations, NHA is looking for proposals focused on state-of-the-art technical advances, applications of innovation that solved a problem, or lessons learned in a particular situation that could be useful to others.
2. Demonstrations in the Innovation Power House
For these informal, interactive 30-minute tech demos (think “show and tell”), NHA is looking for proposals to demonstrate an innovative tool, technology, or software that, if used or adapted for use in the water power industry, could be a “game changer.” For these proposals, the Content Development Committee will look for specifics about how the demonstrator will allow attendees to see/touch/feel/experiment with a tool or technology.
Please Note: This learning format does NOT involve PowerPoint presentations.

3. Poster Presentations in the Water Power Learning Center
(Includes visual display and short “Hear from the Expert” oral summary)
This opportunity involves two activities:
Participate in a 30-minute, interactive “Hear from the Expert” session, in which the poster presenter stands next to his/her visual display (see below for details about the display) to give a short oral overview (not a formal technical presentation and no PowerPoint) of his/her work and answers questions from attendees who are gathered around the presenter. It’s an opportunity to highlight the significance of the presenter’s work and WHY it will make a difference for the water power industry. Your 30-minute “Hear from the Expert” speaking slot will be assigned when the final conference program is released.
Create a visual display to mount on a display board that is 8 feet wide by 4 feet tall. This required display will be available for viewing in the Water Power Learning Center by Clean Currents attendees throughout Wednesday and Thursday. (Displays do not have to be manned throughout the event.)
4. Deep-Dive Workshops
These workshops (either 2 hours or 4 hours) are designed to help attendees solve problems and meet challenges they experience in their day-to-day work. Workshops are meant to be informal, practical, and hands-on. Workshop Faculty need to be engaging, knowledgeable, and non-promotional. If you are a great teacher, this format is for you.
Proposals for this opportunity should describe the workshop content and proposed Faculty members.

What To Consider When Submitting
“New” content (not presented at a previous conference in the hydropower, marine energy, or dam safety sectors) is strongly preferred.
Proposals featuring project owners, operators, and/or developers as speakers will be highly considered.
The Content Development Committee is looking for any topic that is relevant to your work; however, we are specifically looking for submissions on the following topics:
- Lessons learned that others could adapt
- Service and Product Suppliers that are Co-Presenting with Power Producers
In developing the Clean Currents program, NHA and the Content Development Committee focus on quality vs. quantity. While all proposals will be given due consideration, a submission does not guarantee a speaking slot.
What To Expect After Submission
NHA and the Clean Currents Content Development Committee will review all proposals. The review results will be communicated to all submitters by May 15, 2025.